Stephanie Gagnon-Hume

Stephanie Gagnon-Hume

Mortgage Broker
Ottawa - Ontario
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Stephanie Gagnon-Hume - Mortgage Broker


Stephanie has assisted and closed more than $250 million in mortgages, all while onboarding and training new agents and processors and making her clients’ experiences as seamless as possible. She upgraded her licence and title from Mortgage Agent to Mortgage Broker and Team Lead. Stephanie started her career as a broker slowly to ensure she knew exactly how to take care of every client and referral from start to finish. Stephanie always takes a client-centric approach to her business, going above and beyond for every borrower. Stephanie is no stranger to hard work, which has helped her find success early in her career. She was named CMP's "Rising Star" in 2020, on CMP's "Hot List" for 2021 & CMP's Women of Influence in 2021. She loves a challenge and helping others on a daily basis.
Work as a Team:
You will work directly with me

Specializations (5)

Services Provided (11)

To Clients:
Free Consultations
Investment Advice
Lawyer Recommendations
Market Analysis
Mortgage Insurance
Online Applications
Rate Matching
Rate Updates
Realtor Recommendations

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Team Details

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Brokerage Contact

Axiom Mortgage Solutions
Licence #:


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